
目前分類:美國土風舞(含美國早期社交舞) (7)

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舞名: Virginia Reel
中文舞名: 維州之音/維州連鎖舞
編舞: 源自英國傳統舞蹈
音樂: 惠美唱片 F.D.C.- 0015集

"Reel"是一種舞蹈型態(舞型),也是一種音樂型態,起源大約在17世紀.早期發展自英國的鄉村,與Jig, Waltz和strathspey合稱蘇格蘭四大鄉村舞蹈,


此舞型與音樂相當的單純,詩句與舞句或許簡單,可以一直重複,猶如棉線的捲軸,可以不斷地重複(主隊(head couple)或許會輪流更換).




以這首Virginia Reel 為例,本舞在美國盛行於1830年~1860年,因為流傳度相當廣,也因此各地方舞法或許有些許不同處,但是舞蹈與音樂仍維持Reel的特色.


1. 5~7對排成2列,男生一列女生一列.(在台灣以6對為主).
2. 最靠近音樂台或樂隊的稱為主對(head couple);最尾巴的稱為末對(foot couple).
3. 舞法部分各地有稍許不同,這裡列舉較傳統的舞法,跟台灣的舞法有一點點不一樣.

a. 主對女與末對男,靠近4步,分開4步,在台灣這裡改為男女整列與自己的舞伴靠近4步,分開4步.然後牽手順時針/逆時針轉一圈.接下來換主對男跟末對女重複上述動作(有點像英國黑駒舞,只是英國黑駒舞只有3對,舞步也較為輕快).

b. 接下來主對女與末對男做Do-sa-do (也稱為Do-si-do),換主對男跟末對女重複上述動作.

c. 主對牽雙手,滑步到行列最尾端,再滑回來.

d. 接下來是Reel的精神,右手與自己舞伴勾轉一圈半,變成1男(主對)面對2女,1女(主對)面對二男,左手勾轉轉一圈;回來主對舞伴右手勾轉轉一圈,

e. 主對到尾端後,勾右手跳半圈,回到男在男列,女在女列端,主對牽雙手,滑回最前面,準備做分列式.

f. 主對男與女各自帶領男女生,男向左後,女向右後走一大圈; 主對男女牽雙手成手門,其他對陸續穿越手門,2對變主對,原主對變末對.



Head lady and foot gentleman forward and back:
The head lady and the foot man advance forward toward each other four steps and retire four steps backward into place.

Forward again with both hands round:
The head lady and foot man advance, join both hands straight across and make one complete turn, then return to places. 
The head man and foot lady do the same.

The head lady and foot man advance, pass each other right shoulder to right shoulder while crossing your arms,
and without turning, go around each other back-to-back and retire backwards to places. 
The head man and foot lady do the same. Repeat the Do-si-do by left shoulder.

Head couple gallops four times through the aisle and back:
The head couple join both hands and chasse (side slip and close) down inside of the lines four steps and return to the head position.

Right arm to partner and reel. (Right to centre, left to the side.):
The head couple link arms and turns around once and a half. (This leaves the lady facing the men's line and the man facing the ladies line). 
The head lady turns the second man (the second man from the head of the line) once around in his place with left arms linked, while the head 
man does likewise with the second lady.
Head couple then returns to the middle and turns each other again (once around) with right arms linked, and move on to the third couple.
This is continued until they reach the foot of the lines, where they turn half way around only, instead of a full turn, so that the lady ends up 
on her side and the man on the men's side. The head couple then join hands across and chasse (side slip and close) with side steps back to the head of the set. They drop hands and turn out ready for the march.

The march:
The head couple separate. The man turns outwards and walks toward the foot directly behind the men's line, followed by all the men in single file At the same time the head lady does the same thing on her side of the set.
Then the head couple meet at the foot of the set and walk together to the head of the set, followed by the other couples. When all have reached their original places, all the partners, except the head couple, join hands and hold them high to form a long archway under which the head couple, with hands joined with your partner, walk through the gate. The original second couple now become head couple and the whole pattern is repeated until all have been head couple.


Frank Lin 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

腳踏車華士 - 美國, (音樂為英國,作於 1968年)

曲名: Les bicyclettes de Belsize
作詞: Barry Mason and Leslie Reed
作曲: Barry Mason and Leslie Reed
演唱: Engelbert Humperdinck
舞名: Bicycle Waltz
中文舞名: 腳踏車華士
編舞: Charlie and Marge Carter
音樂: 弦歌唱片,C.C.S.第1011集


Tourne, retourne
dans mes pensees
le regret d'un amour :
c'etait a Londres
un matin de mai,
a Belsize un beau jour,
un beau jour.

Les bicyclettes de Belsize
nous ont porte tous deux
et nous roulions amoureux
main dans la main.
Seul le ciel tendre et bleu
se mirait dans nos yeux,
nos yeux d'enfants heureux ;
souvent je reve encore
aux bicyclettes de Belsize.

Tourne, retourne
dans mon cœur trop lourd
le bonheur de ma vie,
mais l'amour joue
souvent de ces tours,
un jour tout es fini,
bien fini.

Les bicyclettes de Belsize
nous ont porte tous deux
et nous roulions amoureux
main dans la main.
Seul le ciel tendre et bleu
se mirait dans nos yeux,
nos yeux d'enfants heureux ;
souvent je reve encore
aux bicyclettes de Belsize.



Frank Lin 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

腳踏車華士 - 美國, (音樂為英國,作於 1968年)

曲名: Les bicyclettes de Belsize
作詞: Barry Mason and Leslie Reed
作曲: Barry Mason and Leslie Reed
演唱: Engelbert Humperdinck
舞名: Bicycle Waltz
中文舞名: 腳踏車華士
編舞: Charlie and Marge Carter
音樂: 弦歌唱片,C.C.S.第1011集

這首是我在高二的時候,用唱片聽寫不出來歌詞的鐵板歌曲. 由於當年資訊流通不發達,也沒有叫做internet的年代,

想要知道歌詞,又找不到原版唱片時,就只能用聽寫的方式,硬把歌詞給"聽"出來.尤其是英國貓王Engelbert Humperdinck的歌,

好聽至極,土風舞界拿來編舞的曲子真的太多了.高二的時候"慕情"剛出來,也就是Engelbert Humperdinck唱的"A Man Without Love",


怎麼聽來聽去幾乎全曲都聽出來了,可是總是有一句就是拼不出來,或是詞意前後不連貫?! ,


本曲曲名: Les Bicyclettes De Belsize, 原文為法文, 意思是:在Belsize公園中的腳踏車

本曲原為英國1968年同名的30分鐘短電影的配曲.由Barry Mason 和 Leslie Reed所作.


邂逅了一位時裝模特兒的愛情故事.(青蛙註: 其實倫敦並沒有"Belsize"這個公園,以後到倫敦旅遊時,不要想去找這個公園嘿! )

我們先來看本這部小電影....喔,不, 是短篇電影,的開場部分跟我們熟悉的腳踏車華士音樂比較有關的部份先睹為快:

青蛙註: 本部電影對白相當少,幾乎都是用音樂貫穿全場,所以下面這個片段已經佔了整部電影的幾乎1/5,但是還聽不到一句台詞哦.  
(畫面中怎麼會有一個男子赤裸著上身只著內褲跳窗而出?粉可疑喔~~ )

當年有2位歌星分別主唱法文版與英文版,法文版是由 Mireille Mathieu主唱,而由Engelbert Humperdinck演唱的英文版本



Turning and turning
The world goes on
We can't change it, my friend
Let us go riding now through the days
Together to the end
To the end

Les bicyclettes de Belsize
Carry us side by side
And hand in hand we will ride
Over Belsize
Turn your magical eyes

Round and around
Looking at all we've found
Carry us through the skies
Les bicyclettes de Belsize

Spinning and spinning
The dreams I know
Rolling on through my head
Let us enjoy them before they go
Come the dawn, they all are dead
Yes, they're dead

Les bicyclettes de Belsize
Carry us side by side
And hand in hand we will ride
Over Belsize
Turn your magical eyes

Round and around
Lookin' at all we've found
Carry us through the skies
Les bicyclettes de Belsize


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散步舞 - 美國,1948年

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馴牛舞 - 美國,1934年

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馴牛舞 - 美國,1934年

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馴牛舞 - 美國,1934年

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